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AAA Event Support Grants

The National Archaeology Week Event Support Grant is funded by the Australian Archaeological Association to provide financial support for events that increase public awareness of, and engagement with, Australian archaeology and the work of Australian archaeologists during National Archaeology Week. 

Up to five grants each up to $500 in value are available to cover the following expenses:

·      Venue hire

·      A/V equipment hire

·      Food and beverages (non-alcoholic)

·      Printing and advertising

·      Other expenses that are essential for running the event. Examples of expenses could be costs associated with organising a guest speaker to give a public talk; a Traditional Custodian to provide a Welcome to Country, Smoking Ceremony, or education session; a public excavation, walking tour, or scavenger hunt; or production of an educational resource.

The event must be held during National Archaeology Week 2025 (18-24 May 2025). Only one grant is available per event.  At least one of the event organisers must be a member of AAA. The intended audience for the event should be the general public (rather than solely archaeologists or archaeological students).

Applications are due by Monday 3 March 2025. Complete the application form online via the link below, or download the form (Word or PDF version) and email to . Successful recipients will be advised via email in March 2025.

Grant recipients will be reimbursed once their NAW event is complete. In order to be reimbursed, grant recipients must complete a grant acquittal form with copies of relevant receipts/tax invoices attached. Grant acquittal forms are due no later than Monday 30 June 2025.