The seminar has been cancelled due to illness. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Please do follow the Australasian Cluster for Archaeological Science (ARCAS) to find out more about their research and future events.
Scientific techniques play a crucial role in answering questions about our human past. New methodologies are constantly being added to the toolkit that archaeologists can use in the field and in the laboratory for reconstructing the lives of past societies and their landscapes. The Australasian Cluster for Archaeological Science (ARCAS) presents a session that will showcase exciting research across diverse themes within archaeological science. The event will provide an opportunity for the public to hear about and engage in discussion with specialists about the latest archaeological research in Australia.
The presenters will include
Dr Christopher Wilson, Flinders University and Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporation
Dr Wanchese Mateusz Saktura, University of Wollongong
Dr Katherine Woo, James Cook University
Ms Erin Mein, University of Queensland
When: Event cancelled, our apologies