Amanda Atkinson


Current position

Director at Austral Archaeology.

Where did you study?

University of New England and Flinders University

How did you become interested in archaeology?

I have loved history from a very young age and have always wanted to be an Archaeologist.

What archaeological projects are you working on at the moment?

The Menindee Lakes Water Infrastructure project which has over 5000 Aboriginal heritage sites to be assessed.

An Aboriginal Heritage Place management plan in the NSW Riverina which involves working with the local traditional owners to create a management plan for many sites including a ceremonial burial.

Tell us about one of your most interesting archaeological discoveries.

Finding two separate sites on separate projects which were both dated to around 50,000 years.

Tell us about a funny / disastrous / amazing experience that you have had while doing archaeology.

Early in my career we were working on an excavation in the Central West of NSW and the entire team got food poisoning on the first day. It was so bad I had to call the client (who I'd only met the day prior) to come and help us. Let's just say there's probably pictures of us in the accommodation that say 'never allowed to stay here'.

What’s your favourite part of being an archaeologist?

The variety of day to day work and learning from the Traditional Owners.

Follow up reading.