Stevie Skitmore

Stevie is standing in a beautifully excavated trench, shovel in hand, absolutely covered in dirt, and with a big smile on his face.

Current position

Lecturer in Australian Archaeology and PhD Candidate at the Australian National University

Where did you study?

The Australian National University, The University of Queensland and Leeds University

How did you become interested in archaeology?

I started off working in community development and youth work, and quickly realised that so much of societal and individual wellbeing is bound to being culturally empowered, connected to one's history and deeply knowing and understanding place. I felt that archaeology holds a particular power in developing these in today's society.

What archaeological projects are you working on at the moment?

My PhD research is based on Groote Eylandt in the Northern Territory, collaborating with the Anindilyakwa community to explore the archaeology of songlines. I also do cultural values and ethnographic work in with Djaara in Victoria and urban place-building with the Ngunnawal and Ngambri community in Canberra.

Tell us about one of your most interesting archaeological discoveries.

My most interesting was a Curly Wurly Wrapper from the 1990s (!). This is because of the conversations it initiated about time, emplacement and continued existence, and how the recent disturbance of places of cultural significance do not immediately reduce their significance to community.

Tell us about a funny / disastrous / amazing experience that you have had while doing archaeology.

I often find that the most amazing experiences are the quotidian ones - such as honing your survey sight at a new site and then artefacts suddenly appearing everywhere beneath you where before you didn't see any. Archaeology in Australia is so much about relationality and reading / speaking with landscapes. It is in developing this language that some incredible experiences can happen, both inside and outside of archaeology.

What’s your favourite part of being an archaeologist?

Being able to spend time outside, on Country, with community, is absolutely my favourite part of archaeology. Knowing you've been able to help in a small way when it comes to site protection or helping develop knowledge is a great pleasure.