Associations and Societies

The Archaeological and Anthropological Society of Victoria is a group that promotes the study of archaeology, anthropology, ethno-archaeology and ethno-history in both Australia and further abroad. Find them here.

The Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology was founded in 1970 to promote the study of historical archaeology in Australia. Originally known as the Australian Society for Historical Archaeology, in 1991 the Society was expanded to include New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region generally, and its name was changed to the Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology. Find them here.

The Australian Archaeological Association is the largest archaeological organisation in Australia, representing a diverse membership of professionals, researchers, students and others with an interest in archaeology. Membership is open to anyone interested in Archaeology. AAA aims to promote the advancement of archaeology; to provide an organisation for the discussion and dissemination of archaeological information and ideas; to convene meetings at regular intervals; to publicise the need for the study and conservation of archaeological sites and collections; to publicise the work of the Association; and, to establish and maintain a public fund to be named “The Australian Archaeological Association Public Fund”. Find them here.

The Australian Association of Consulting Archaeologists Inc. is an organisation for professionals working in all fields of contract and public archaeology. It aims to uphold and promote the discipline and to advance the welfare of members. Find them here.

The Australian Institute for Maritime Archaeology is an organisation for anyone interested in maritime archaeology. Their members are professional maritime archaeologists,  SCUBA divers, historians, photographers, students, academics, historical archaeologists, conservation scientists - a whole range of people who are interested in this fascinating aspect of our heritage anywhere in the world. Find them here.

The Canberra Archaeological Society was formed in 1963 to cater for the needs of all people interested in archaeology. They aim to promote and engage with our Canberra regional archaeology and archaeological community. Find them here.

The Vere Gordon Childe Centre is a multi-disciplinary research centre situated within the School of Humanities, at the University of Sydney, The Centre aims to understand global human diversity through the study of material culture, artistic representation, and intangible heritage. Find them here.

The Maritime Archaeological Association of Western Australia is primarily an archaeological association with members having the opportunity to dive on shipwrecks, and also to participate in research and management of maritime archaeological heritage sites around the coast of Western Australia. Find them here.

The Near Eastern Archaeology Foundation facilitates research in the archaeology of the Near East, Egypt and Cyprus, and brings the world of Near Eastern archaeology to the general public. Find them here