Eva Francesca Martellotta


Current position

PhD candidate, Australian Research Centre for Human Evolution, Griffith University

Where did you study?

Griffith University (Queensland)

University of Ferrara (Italy)

'Sapienza' University of Rome (Italy)

How did you become interested in archaeology?

I always have been passionate about science and our past, since I was a little kid.

What archaeological projects are you working on at the moment?

I am working on the identification of use marks on Australian boomerangs - in particular, use marks suggesting the use of boomerangs for shaping stone tools. Similar marks are also present on some bone tools used by the Neanderthal Man over 500,000 years ago.

What’s your favourite part of being an archaeologist?

Discovering new things of our past, to better understand our present. Also, travel to amazing places.

Follow up reading.
