Leah Tepper


Current position


Where did you study?

La Trobe University

How did you become interested in archaeology?

I have always had a deep interest in the past, and loved going to museums and reading everything could get my hands on.

What archaeological projects are you working on at the moment?

Currently I am the project manager of several Aboriginal and historical archaeological projects occurring around Victoria. I am also involved in a few multidisciplinary projects such as heritage reviews, Traditional Owner consultation and management plans where the archaeological record can contribute, enrich and interpret background research.

Tell us about one of your most interesting archaeological discoveries.

Finding a greenstone axe during a salvage. Also finding a bone syringe in a hotel deposit – only finding out it was likely used to treat syphilis after handling it.

Tell us about a funny / disastrous / amazing experience that you have had while doing archaeology.

Working in the field at Castlemaine for 16 weeks straight and getting one huge forearm from only trowelling.

What’s your favourite part of being an archaeologist?

Every day is different as an archaeologist- from talking to Traditional Owners about contemporary stories about place and space, to excavating historical archaeological deposits below high rise buildings in the Melbourne CBD, to analysing Aboriginal cultural heritage material, to organising logistics with other technical specialists such as Geotech and Botanists. I’m constantly learning and I love it!

Follow up reading.
