2003 in Victoria and the Australian Capital Territory
John Tunn: I thought the Victorian seminar series in 2003 was very good. I particularly recall Richard Wright giving an account of archaeological methods being applied while investigating war crimes in the former Yugoslavia - quite confronting. We had a small program based in Mildura as well - at the time Doug Williams was based there working in the Willandra.
We haven’t found the 2003 flyer, but you can read the 2004 NAW Victoria flyer here.
Bone Detective: Forensic Anthropology Workshop
Michael Westaway: One of the first events I organised at NAW at the National Museum of Australia was a forensic anthropology workshop for school aged students. I have also attached an image of me with John and Jean Mulvaney and Jack Golson. John was very supportive of the activities at the NMA and was involved in one of the early events.
John Mulvaney, Jean Mulvaney, Jack Golson, Michael Westaway
The lecture that John and Jack gave in 2003 was on archaeology in Australia and NZ in the 50s and 60s. And I ran a workshop called Bone Detective: an introduction to forensic anthropology. Colin Groves gave a great paper on the origins of the first Australians; it was at the time of the Windschuttle Australian pygmies debate in Quadrant so was quite a poignant presentation.
Download the 2003 NAW ACT flyer here.